Another popular FTP client is SmartFTP ( ), also free for academic use. While you don't have to use FileZilla FTP client to interact with FileZilla Server or GuildFTPd, the client is so easy to use you would do well to consider it.

While many still use WS-FTP LE ( ), which is the free, academic version of the popular FTP client, others may want to take advantage of the more powerful, yet easy to use-and also free- FileZilla FTP Client ( ). Regardless of which one you choose, you will still need an FTP client. Now, both of these are flexible, free FTP Server programs that you can use. Another free, Windows possibility is GuildFTPd ( ). One such program is FileZilla Server ( ). On the Windows side, there are a variety of programs. I imagine its use in Web design classes and other places where a network drive has not been set up for you or your students. You can restrict their access to one folder, but then later get all the folders for viewing purposes. There are many uses for this, from allowing students to put and get, or upload and download respectively, files from a central location.

As a matter of fact, just like Web servers, you can take any computer and make it into a file sharing station using FTP Server software. Setting up an FTP server has become a simple process. Files are shared via an FTP server-which can be any computer-and then accessed using an FTP client that allows one to get or put files depending on levels of access. The concept of FTP, or File Transfer Protocol, is quite simple.